This page last changed on Oct 21, 2010 by aunger.

Resetting your password in the ITSI-SU Teacher Guide Network

  1. Go to the ITSI-SU Teacher Guide Network
  2. Click the Lost Password link
  3. Enter your username and click Request
  4. You should receive an email with the subject Request for new password from Click the link in the email.
  5. In the loaded Reset Password page, click Reset password
  6. You should receive an email with the subject Password reset! from Note the password in the email.
  7. Log in to the ITSI-SU Teacher Guide Network with your username and the new password.
  8. Click Settings in the top bar
  9. Enter a new password, confirm the new password and click Save
  10. Your password is now whatever you just set it to be

password_email.png (image/png)
request.png (image/png)
user_settings.png (image/png)
settings.png (image/png)
reset.png (image/png)
lost_password.png (image/png)
email_confirm.png (image/png)
Document generated by Confluence on Jan 27, 2014 16:57